The wife nextdoor

2007/03/23 07:22 登録: えっちな名無しさん

She is getting larger and larger in my life to the point of being unbearable. Not that she
actually does anything to interfere with my life. Her very existence distorts the lens,
through which I view the world. I don’t know how I can ever get rid of her. But that has
to happen soon.

She moved in with her husband next door about 6 month ago. She is in her mid to late
20s. She is pretty and has a nice figure and all that. But the way she dressed and the way
she moved her body was what drove me crazy most. She always wore extremely short
dress that barely covered her rear. Our condominium complex sits at a raised plot and
there is a flight of stairs from the street leading up to the entrance of the complex.
Sometimes when I happened to see her walking up the stairs, I would look up from the
bottom of the stairs, and enjoy the incredible sight of her miniscule underwear cutting
deeply into her flesh. I had rarely spoken to her. She knew that I lived next door, and we
would say hello to each other, but that was all. Not until two weeks ago, when one
coincidence triggered a chain of events that would eventually alter the whole situation,
did I imagine myself even talking to her in a friendly way.

On that day, I was away from my regular work attending a seminar, which ended earlier.
So I was coming home around 4 pm. When I walked up the stairs and stepped on to the
landing across my condo, I saw her in her business attire, standing in front of entrance of
her condo, looking completely lost. I said without thinking, “Hi, is there anything

She turned around and looked at me surprised and said “Oh hi, um, I seem to have
dropped my key somewhere and I cannot get in.” Fortunately the window for the
bathroom that was facing the corridor was unlocked. I brought a chair from my place,
removed the window panes, climbed up and went inside head first. I fell inside the bath
room. I stood up dusting off my pants; I went around and opened the entrance from inside.
She thanked me and asked me if she could anything in return. Then she suggested she
could cook something for dinner. Normally I would say NO because I have a wife and
two children. But they happened to be visiting my wife’s parents place. And she also said
her husband was on a business trip and won’t be back for another 3 weeks. I immediately
accepted the invitation.

I went home, changed to T-shirt and shorts and went back to her place. She greeted me in
her T-shirt and short cotton skirt. Her shirt that leaves 10 cm of her midriff exposed was
so tight that it accentuated her oversized breasts. As she turn around let me in, her round
buttocks, which were tightly wrapped in her skirt, swayed left and right as if to say “grab
me”. I instantly felt pressure building up between my legs, and I was afraid it would
become visible through my shorts.

She came back from the kitchen with a bottle of wine and said, “I just started the rice
cooker, but it will be a while before the rice gets ready, so let’s have some drink”. We sat
down on the sofa and started drinking the wine.

She was a lot more talkative than I had imagined. She told me boring stories about her
girl friends, her husband and her boss at work. I pretended that I was listening, but the
focus of my attention was on her round breasts that bobbed up and down every time she
moves her arms. When she stretched out across the coffee table and pour my glass, I
could enjoy a glimpse of her well developed breasts through the neck opening. I got only
distracted from them when she re-crossed her legs; then my entire consciousness
pinpointed on the dark pocket in between her thighs. She tugged on her skirt once in a
while but that didn’t do little to prevent it from wrinkling up as she carelessly moved her

I realized, after what seemed like only a few minutes, two empty wine bottles were
already staring at me from the top of the coffee table. Having drunk on an empty
stomach, I felt quite drunk, lightheaded and dizzy. She poured the last bit of wine into my
glass, and said “I’ll cook something good for you”. As she tried to stand up, she wobbled
and crutched the back of the sofa to prevent herself from falling, smiled, then staggered
towards the kitchen.

From where I sat, I could see her standing at the kitchen, her back towards me. I was
watching her slow and wobbly movement for a while. Every time she bent down to reach
the lower drawer or pick up something she dropped on the floor, I was hoping that I could
see inside her skirt between her well shaped thighs, imagining myself sticking my hands
into the darkness and fondling her buttocks. I felt pressure building up in my crotch and
pushing the front part of my pants. Without realizing myself, as if pulled by some
imaginary string that is attached my nose, I stood up, tottered towards the kitchen.

I stood right behind her and watching what she was doing over her shoulder. Sensing my
presence, she turned her head towards me and said, smiling, “you need something?”
“No, I’m just watching what you are doing”
A waft of her perfume hit my nostrils and stimulated my primitive instinct, which was
starting to takeover my rational self. I felt my manhood is pushing hard on my pants and
I knew I was standing dangerously close to her. When I realized that my body was not
steady, it was too late; her rear brushed against my engorged front part as she turned her
body to reach some vegetable to work on. I knew my face was turning red. I felt my ears
burning, and beads of sweat rising around my neck. But alcohol must have numbed my
rational senses, I kept standing there. To my surprise, she continued on as if nothing had
happened. I felt my heart beat getting faster.

I felt a violent urge to just hug her from behind and squeeze her breasts, and I felt
difficulty breathing. By now her buttocks and my lump had come in contact a few times
as she peeled and washed potatoes, busily moving between the sink and the cutting board,
which she set right next to the sink; but she didn’t seem to even notice it. With the help of
alcohol boosted libido, I touched her buttocks, pretending it was the other part of my
body and accidental. She continued cutting up a large potato. I touched her bottom again;
this time more deliberately. I was not sure if she hadn’t noticed it or just pretending. But
she continued cutting up her potato without even flinching.

I became bolder, and I touched her again; this time gave a little squeeze. I was pretty sure
this time that she had to notice, unless she was sleeping or something. My heart beats
were getting faster and faster; the thumping of my heart became so loud that I was afraid
she could hear it. I stood there breathing heavily, waiting for something to happen. But
she continued working with her kitchen knife and said, nonchalantly, “you don’t have
any vegetable you don’t like, do you?” as if nothing had happened.

I don’t remember if I said anything, but I do remember next thing I did ?emboldened by
her reaction, reaching under her skirt, gingerly stroked upper part of her thigh and her
buttocks. I was pleasantly surprised to discover that she was wearing a thong (T-back).
Her soft flesh was so smooth and felt like omochi to the touch. As I head the sound of her
cutting up a carrot continued as a clock work, I couldn’t take my hands off from her skin.

I felt my blood pressure was shooting up and felt dizzy. As black spots started appearing
around the corners of my vision, I thought I was going to fait. My heart was pumping at
the maximum capacity and I was losing myself. “Heck” I thought, despite myself, rather
calmly, “she knows what I’m doing and doesn’t seem to mind at all”.

Determined, I slowly started lifting her skirt. Her hand seemed to have slowed for a
moment; but soon the rhythmical tapping sound started coming off the cutting board. Not
only that, as I lifted her skirt all the way up to her waist, she even stuck out her luscious
round bottom towards me and wiggled slightly in a lustful manner. I stood there
speechless and captivated. It was a most amazing sight ?The string of her tight thong
panties cut deep into the soft flesh for her large round buttocks. The soft cheeks of her
butts were bouncing slightly up and down left and right as she moves, screaming a
desperate plea, begging me to grab them, burry myself into them and get lost in them.
I felt a titillating sensation filling up in my pulsating member pushing hard on my pants
front, signaling it was going to explode any minute.

I took a deep breath and got down on my knees and held and caressed her bottom with
both hands. Then I buried my face in the valley between the two round flesh mounds, and
took a deep breath. The smell of her sex rushed in to my nostrils. It was accentuated by
the slight but distinct sharp scent of her anus. I thought I was going to black out.

I held onto her thigh for a moment not to loose balance. I then eased my fingers down
towards her most sensitive part along the string of her panties, my face still buried. “My
goodness” I thought, as I discovered her intimate part dripping wet and the part of her
panties cutting into her slit was drenched from her love juice. I couldn’t resist the
temptation to stroke her all slippery crotch.

I could no longer hear the chopping sound off her cutting board; in stead, I heard a slight
panting overhead. Her buttocks swayed sensually side to side as I stroked her slippery slit,
rolling my face with them. It was not difficult for my finger to find a hot welling entrance
of her love. The finger tip slid in, a sigh of pleasure escaped from her mouth. My lower
body was taken over by the pleasant sensation and I too felt quite wet.

As she pushed her buttocks against my face, I felt I was losing my mind. I held it there
until I could no longer withstood; then I detached myself from her bottom and slowly got
to my feet again.

She stood there quivering, her hands on the counter, head pulled all the way back, eyes
closed, luscious lips parted slightly. Over her shoulder, I saw her large breasts heaving up
and down. As I unzipped and pulled down my pants, my hard-on sprung up glistening all
20cm of it. Then it rested comfortably on her round rear as I lean closer to her to reach
and grab her breasts from behind. Her breasts were amazingly soft to the touch. As I had
suspected, she didn’t have her bra on and as I caress them the nipples rose up longing for
more attention. She scrambled to the hem of her shirts and lifted up, exposing her well
developed breasts, and took my hands and placed them over them.

I enjoyed the soft and smooth sensation of her bare breasts. It was incredible. As I
twiddled her nipples, she let out an ecstatic “Uhuuuh” and twisted her body in pleasure. I
could no longer hold back my urge to penetrate deep into her. After I pulled her panties
all the way down with both hands, I held her hip with one hand use another hand to guide
my hard stick, moved down the wet and glistening tip along the crack of her buttocks past
her anal entrance. The tip of my manhood found the juice welling, lustful hungry
entrance in her hot slippery crack.

My hard part was screaming to get inside, and she also stuck out and wiggled her rear end
hopelessly, but I held there for a little longer and savored the moment. She finally
begged me “I want you inside now, please”. Responding to her desperate plea, I held her
hips with both hands, and ever so slowly, started pushing my way into her soft body. As I
bury myself inch by inch, a deep and long sigh of gratitude escaped from half parted her
lips. “Hunnuuuuuah”, she moaned. I felt my member inflated even more inside her. The
titillating sensation of her hot flesh fastening tightly around my shaft was indescribable.
She stuck out her buttocks further to get more of me as if a drowning man desperately
trying to reach for the surface. I drove myself deeper to feed her burning desire. “Oh My
God” she said, “feels Sooooo Goooood!”

Unable any longer to control my own urge to go full blast, I started moving my pelvis
back and forth. Slowly at first, but gradually picked up speed. The erotic sound of her
panting and moaning was synchronized with rhythmical slapping of my body meeting her
bottom, reverberating in the kitchen to stimulate our libido even further. “Huh, huh, huh,
huh, aaaaaaaan, it feels gooooooood, it’s going so deeeeeeeeep aaaaaaaaan” she moaned.

I moved my hands over to the front of her body and started squeezing her breasts.
“uuuugh, oh gosh, feels soooooo goooood, I am going crazy” she said moving her
buttocks in a circular motion, squeezing my uncontrollable shaft. It was incredible. I
never had a sex like this with my wife or any women I had slept with in my life. Her hot
tunnel contracted and squeezed me in a wavelike motion reminiscent of the movement of
a gigantic worm; and her entire body also moved like a wave and pumping her own
pleasure into me through the part of our bodies joined together. And I felt almost as if my
lower body became part of her, feeling every twitch of her muscle and every ounce of
pleasure she had.

I felt like I was in a sweet dream, the one you never wish to wake up from. We rocked
together back and force; our hips swung together in unison as if in a carefully
choreographed dance of love. I lost the sense of time and felt peaceful and calm for a
moment. Then, without warning, I sensed a sudden rushing of my blood into my genitals,
a warning sign that the end of the dream was imminent. In an attempt to make this
paradise last longer, I stopped myself for a moment and tried to think of something
unpleasant like my boss’s face. But she, now holding my hands, rubbed my palms against
her breasts, shaking her head left and right like a mad woman, screaming “Noooooooooo,
don’t stooooop, fuck me, fuck me, FUCK ME HAAAAARD”. Then she started moving
her hips back and force frantically, screaming “Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah, I can’t, I can’t, I can’t

My mind went completely blank, I could only feel the intense pleasurable sensation
generated by the tight pressure of her flesh around my near exploding sex organ and I felt
dizzy as if all my blood drained out of my brain and rushing to my genitals in anticipation
to the inevitable moment. “Ah, Ah, Ah, I’m coming, I’m coming AAAAAAH” she
screamed in delirium, moving her body even harder and faster, “come with me, give it to
me inside, huh, huh, huh. PLEEEEEEEEAS.” As I neared climax, all the sounds started
fading away from me and her panting and screaming felt far away, and I lost the sense of
direction and felt as if I was floating in a violent stormy ocean.

I heard her scream, “AAAAAAAAAH, I AM COMIIIIIIING” coming from somewhere
outside my consciousness. Then all of a sudden, I felt an acute pleasure rushed in through
the narrow channel that connected us together; and in the next moment, I was completely
engulfed in a huge tidal wave of heavenly bliss. I felt my whole body became a big
hydraulic pump and started pushing my sperm filled fluid into my hungry partner. While
I was pumping it out, her whole body was contracting violently in an uncontrollable state
of ecstasy. As the spasm of our muscle became synchronized, the pleasure brought to me
with every contraction of my body became amplified to the level almost unbearable. We
stood there, moaning, panting, saying something incomprehensive, with my shaft deeply
inserted, pumping my love fluid into her. We let our bodies convulsed together
rhythmically in a long succession of twitches, which lasted for what seemed like hours.

When I finally came back to my senses as the storm of pleasure subsided, I noticed I was
still had my arms around her, clasping tightly, her breasts in my hands. There was a
paddle of slimy liquid under our feet. I felt messy and sticky all over from whose bodily
fluid, I don’t know. Then I heard her started sobbing. I tried to detach my body from hers,
but she grabbed my hands again determined not to let go. I gave her a squeeze which was
returned by her squeezing at my body part still inside her. Then she turned her head and
sought my mouse. We kissed, a long messy one. Her tongue moved in my mouse, still
hungry, like an underwater creature. I felt a fire started burning again in side me.

After that, we made love a few more times before both of us got exhausted and dropped
around 4 o’clock in the morning. We spent most of the next two days (luckily Saturday
and Sunday) joined together at the genitals, except when we needed to go to the bathroom
and took care of our physiological needs. We even ate meals in copulation.

You may think we were crazy. May be we were, but we just couldn’t stop. Our love got
escalated to the point of being shocking to most of the people. I can talk about what kind
of heart stopping fun we have been having, but I will keep it for another time.

Since that weekend, my mind has been completely occupied by the image of her
voluptuous body moving sensually moaning. I just couldn’t get my mind off the images
of these large breasts pushed against my face or round buttocks banging on my lower
body. And these images kept my underpants wet with what they call “pre-cum”.

Even now with my family and her husband back, we keep seeing each other. We go to
the hotel during lunch ours. Sometimes, I even skipped work pretending that I was sick
and went straight back to her condo and made love until the evening just before her
husband would come home. Several times, we even had sex in our storage room down in
the basement of our condominium building. But obviously I cannot go on like this forever.

I will come back and tell you what happened after that. But until then, have happy love life.


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